Master of None

I watched episode four of Master of None season three last night not expecting the entire episode to be devoted to the experiences of a single woman going through donor IVF.

God but it brought it all back! From the massive bags of meds and needles you’re presented with on day one to the seemingly neverending cycle of taking the same drugs without getting the right result.

I have never seen the process depicted in such detail on either the small or big screen. Naomi Ackie was brilliant at portraying the lows, sheer drudgery and highs of the experience. I was exhausted just watching her, remembering the singleminded, teeth-gritting endurance that got me through seven medicated rounds of IUI/IVF. Head down, head down, head down until you get there.

To those of you ladies who have gone through this and reached the other side, pat yourself on the back. I’m only realising now (my boy is five!) how amazing we are.

To those of you ladies going through this, solo or partnered, you’re stronger than you know and YOU CAN DO THIS.

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